1) Ortho-K corrects nearsightedness while your child sleeps.
2) Ortho-K has been shown to slow the progress of nearsightedness.
3) Your child will not need glasses or contacts during the day.
Ortho-K Treatment
Ortho-K involves specially designed lenses that are worn at night while your child sleeps.
During the night, these lenses actually reshape your cornea and your child wakes up to clear vision which lasts throughout the day without having to use glasses or contacts.
Ortho-K is for Kids as Young as 7!
Your child simply wears the specially fitted lenses while he or she sleep. These lenses reshape the cornea during the night, and in the morning your child will see with corrected vision without the aid of glasses or contacts. Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor to see if we can help!
Ortho-K is Great for Active Kids!
Active kids that wear glasses or contacts often run into difficulty while swimming or playing sports. Active lifestyles can force them to wear bulky protective goggles or results in broken frames. By using Ortho-K treatment your child will not have to wear glasses or contacts during the day.
Ortho-K Corrects Poor Vision!
Ortho-K treatment has shown remarkable results in correcting nearsightedness in children. Not only will your child be able to go about their day without needing glasses or contacts, studies have shown that Ortho-K actually prevents further deterioration of your child’s eye site.
No More Need for Daytime Glasses and Contact Lenses!
Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) is an innovative, non-surgical way to free your child from the shackles of day-time glasses and contacts. Ortho-K not only corrects your child’s vision, but also prevents his/her vision from getting worse. He/she will be able to play sports, swim, and see the board without the hassle of glasses and contacts. Doctors Kao and Park of Loudoun Eye Associates are experts at fitting your child for Ortho-K lenses. Be in touch today to see if your child is a candidate.